More pics!

Check out my Squarecat Livejournal to see some pictures that I recently posted. There’s a Lili pic (the oft-in-my-comic family dog), me in a Threadless t-shirt, a smiley face I found in my waffle (no joke!), and a very familiar sight to Red Sox fans who tried to get tickets over the weekend…You may need to scroll down a bit if you’re reading this news article late…

Frost pictures…

Maybe you’re wondering what that cool frost from 1/9/07’s comic actually looked like and if so go here (my miscellaneous gallery) to check it out: Frost Pics

Did I mention Squarecat Vol II is out?!

It IS! So, if you’d like to order it go here: Squarecat Volume II

In honor of the holidays…

Matt’s new nickname is “Holiday Hawk” and yes, I stole that little moniker from a cranberry sprite ad.

wooowww, a week’s worth of comics, woowwww

Hey, it’s Matt here. Basically, Jen is lazy and wasn’t planning to ever post any comics again, I guess… even though she’s been drawing them every day. I’m like, hey scan and post those and she’s like, naw, I’m tired, I need my beauty sleep and stuff. So finally, tonight I just scanned and posted them. Man, I’m awesome. I hope Jen can appreciate that sort of behavior during this holiday season.