Oh metronome, why hast thou forsaken Matt?

Oh metronome, why hast thou forsaken Matt?

Always record with a metronome, kids.

Discussion (3)¬

  1. aaron says:

    that’s why i always program drums first.

  2. Matt says:

    yeah, I usually do too. But sometimes I’m like, well, we won’t have any drums in this one… then later on, I decide I DO want to have drums. That’s when I regret being lazy and not using a metronome! And I tell Jen to make sure I never record without the metronome, but then I do it again anyway. Heh.

  3. aaron says:

    that’s true, if you don’t plan to have drums sometimes it’s cool to record without the metronome and let the rhythm drift a little… but then if you decide to have drums after all it can b a pain…


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