

Discussion (6)¬

  1. Jennifer says:

    Yeah, that sucked! I kinda feel bad ‘cus most of the comics lately have been so blaaaaahhh…I’ve been having such a hard time coming up with ideas the last couple months and I think I’m getting burned out on the comic itself.

  2. poppylove says:

    I just want to say, if you decide to end the comic, we will miss you, but we understand. It can’t be easy trying to be clever and entertaining on a daily basis. I’ve enjoyed Squarecat very much, ever since I found the first book at Ralph’s old location. My fave is 5/9/06. I totally relate. =^)
    P.S. Sorry this is so long!!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Thanks poppylove! I really do appreciate that. 😀 I find it hard to quit having done it for so long, so for now, I’ll keep going. Haha, I just took a look at 5/9/06. Ah, the ups and downs! Glad you like it! Wow, that seems like so long ago now! So, wow, you used to go to Paperback Bazaar?! Have you been to the new location? It is pretty sweet.

  4. poppylove says:

    Hooray for hanging in there, we (if I may speak for all SC fans) just want you to be happy, not burned out and mizzable.
    Yeah, I used to rummage around the PB. I will have to check out the new place one of these days!

  5. Jen says:

    Aw, thanks again. It’s kind of a marathon, but there are still plenty of days when it feels really good to sit down and draw. Yeah, the new store is pretty sweet! It’s huge!


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