new comics and a con appearance

Hello squarefans,

Matt here. I’m sitting at home waiting for a guy to come look at our furnace and I thought I’d use the time to post a bunch of comics. Jen keeps drawing these things but hasn’t posted much lately, so I just posted up through early May. She had quite a backlog going!

Also, Jen never points out when she makes appearances, but she’s a guest at the Maine Comics Art Festival in Portland, ME this Sunday. I’ll be there too. Come by, say hi and pick up a new Squarecat button!

Discussion (2)¬

  1. Oliver says:

    yeah! First Step… Portland
    Next…. MEXICO’s “LA MOLE” and “TNT”

  2. medg says:

    Even though this is a month old I still got excited when I read “Portland” … and then completely deflated when I read “, ME”. 🙁


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