Record Store Day

Record Store Day

We went to Bullmoose and picked up: Beach House 12″, Telekinesis 7″, Dum Dum Girls 7″, Charlotte Gainsbourg 7″, Modest Mouse “The Moon and Antarctica” re-released vinyl, The Flaming Lips’ “Dark Side of the Moon” vinyl!

Discussion (6)¬

  1. aaron says:

    you didn’t get the mountain goats dvd?

  2. Matt says:

    No, I saw it, but I figured it was something I wouldn’t really watch. I have some music DVDs and I never end up watching them.

  3. aaron says:

    that makes sense, i thought it looked pretty cool though. i didn’t end up making it to record store this day, mostly because the few things i would have wanted would be out of my price range.

  4. Matt says:

    Yeah, it did look cool! I set a fixed amount of money aside for the day, which also factored into the decision not to get that dvd. The other stuff just ended up taking higher priority.

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by a2alien. a2alien said: Hoping that was a #talktalk reference! #webcomics #cats And, yay for records! 🙂 // Record Store Day […]

  6. Jen says:

    I was so tempted by the Mountain Goats dvd, but I kind of felt the same as Matt.


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