Making Housework Fun

Making Housework Fun

Discussion (2)¬

  1. dainys says:

    From First Church Congregational Cook Book, compiled by The Ladies’ Aid, Rochester, N.H., Dec. 4, 1959:


    A good many husbands are spoiled by inept management by the “chief cook and bottle washer.” Some wives keep them constantly in hot water; others in the deep freeze; others keep them in a stew, while others keep them constantly in a pickle. It cannot be hoped that any husband will be good and tender if managed in this way, but they are truly delicious if properly handled.

    Don’t try to keep him in the pot by force, as he will be happy to stay there if proper care is given. If he should sputter, fizz, and boil over occasionally, don’t be anxious; it’s the nature of the beast. When this occurs try adding a little sugar, the variety the confectioners call XXXX. On no account should you add vinegar or pepper! A little spice improves him, but it must be used with judgment.

    Do not test him with something sharp to see if he is becoming tender; a gentle nibble behind the ear will serve the purpose much more agreeably. On occasion he should be stirred gently to prevent him from becoming flat and tasteless.

    If you follow this recipe carefully, you will come up with a delectable dish that will make you the envy of your circle of homemakers. – Beth Tebbetts (Mrs. Burton R. Tebbetts)

  2. Jennifer says:

    Oh wow! I…don’t even know what to say! Hahahaha


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