Comics, comics, comics!

Five more comics added today. Does anyone notice that I’m catching up? Tomorrow I’ll take us into almost June.

PS. The new Mos Def album is quite awesome.

new comics and a con appearance

Hello squarefans,

Matt here. I’m sitting at home waiting for a guy to come look at our furnace and I thought I’d use the time to post a bunch of comics. Jen keeps drawing these things but hasn’t posted much lately, so I just posted up through early May. She had quite a backlog going!

Also, Jen never points out when she makes appearances, but she’s a guest at the Maine Comics Art Festival in Portland, ME this Sunday. I’ll be there too. Come by, say hi and pick up a new Squarecat button!

A bunch of new comics are up!

Trying to catch up on comics! Recording a song a week and drawing a comic a day is tough. But six new comics are up tonight and there will be a new song tomorrow. Yup yup.

The new site!

So, we redid the site. Thanks to Tyler for making the techmology happen and to Nev for helping us figure out the CSS stuff! You guys rock! I noticed that a lot of the archive got wiped out in the transfer, so we’ll start adding in the old 2003 and 2004 comics over the next days/weeks/whenever. We’ll also go to the old comics and tag stuff so you can search and find comics by topic and whatnot.

Song #7!

Song #7 is available at The Honorable Mentions wordpress blog. Not to mention songs 1-6 also. So, go check them out! They’re FREE for downloading! Keep checking back as we’ve been really regular (must be the bran) about posting them every week on time. We also have a rss feed there, if you’re interested.